LaunchGood Support Center

Frequently Asked Questions

About the Challenge

We’re on a mission to make giving easy, fun, and impactful during Dhul Hijjah!  The LaunchGood Dhul Hijjah Challenge is a 10-day giving challenge that allows you as an individual to maximize your blessings and support inspiring campaigns each day from incredible Muslims across the world!

What is the daily giving amount?

The giving goal is an amount you are comfortable giving each day for the first 10 days of Dhul Hijjah. You can always come back and change this amount through your Dhul Hijjah Challenge Settings.

How will I give my donation?

Your donation is processed through daily charges on your card based on the giving goal you choose.

What time is my card charged?

Scheduled Giving donations will run daily at 6 AM (ET).  Please note that charges take a few hours to fully process and you may get the receipt a few hours later.

What is the Giving List?

The Giving list is your personalized list of campaigns you wish to donate to. You can preselect where your auto-donations go using the Giving List feature. Campaigns in your Giving List will be chosen first for the auto-donations. Please note, a campaign on your Giving List cannot receive more than one of your scheduled donations.

How many campaigns should I add to my Giving List?

You can pre-select your campaigns for all 10 days or just select a few and we'll fill in the rest. You can even leave it completely up to us and not add anything to your Giving List.  We will select campaigns for you that we know you will love! You’ll receive an email receipt showcasing the campaign you’ve supported each day. At the end of the challenge, we'll ensure you gave to a different campaign every day of Dhul Hijjah.

What if I join the challenge late?

No worries! Just log into the challenge and click on past days to make up. This challenge is designed to be forgiving.

Still have questions?

Check out the rest of our support center articles in relation to the Dhul Hijjah Challenge here! Or email us at with the subject title: Dhul Hijjah Challenge. 

We're here to help! 

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