To change your Dhul Hijjah Challenge payment method, follow the directions below:
1. Login to your LaunchGood account
2. Go to your Dhul Hijjah Challenge homepage by visiting
3. On you DHC homepage, scroll down and click on "Edit your preferences" button.
4. Under you Dhul Hijjah Challenge Settings, click on the "Payment Method" drop down menu.
5. Under this menu, You can set your update/change your preferred payment method. If you decided to add a new card, be sure to click the "Save Card" button when you finish adding all the details.
6. After you've made all of your changes, make sure to click Save Settings at the bottom of your screen when you are done.
If you need help with anything else, please check out the rest of the solutions articles for the Dhul Hijjah Challenge, or reach out to [email protected]